
Friday, July 24, 2015

Report: Tampa Recruiting Offices Evacuated Due to Shooting Threat


Adan Salazar & Joe Biggs | Unspecified 'shooting' threat comes one week after Chattanooga shooting.

Adan Salazar & Joe Biggs
July 24, 2015

US military recruitment offices in Tampa, Florida, have been ordered to evacuate due to an unspecified threat, reports claim.

“All recruitment centers in the Tampa area have been ordered to evacuate due to threats that there will be shootings. Info from a recruiter,” Georgia resident Jeff Hanson stated in a tweet.

Attempts by Infowars to contact at least four different military bases in the area, including the Marine Corps, Air Force and Naval recruitment offices, for confirmation went unanswered.

Infowars has also attempted to reach out to various recruitment centers in the nearby towns of St. Petersberg and Clearwater to no avail.

According to a text sent to Hanson by his son, who lives with a recruiter in the Tampa area, recruiters have been “ordered to leave the office.”

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The alleged evacuations follow last week’s shooting at two different recruiting centers in Chattanooga, which left five military recruiters dead.

During a conversations with staffers in Austin earlier this week, Infowars Joe Biggs was told directly that recruiting centers in Las Vegas, Florida and San Marcos, TX had all received violent threats since the attack.

More on this as it develops.

This article was posted: Friday, July 24, 2015 at 12:55 pm

Report: Tampa Recruiting Offices Evacuated Due to Shooting Threat
Fri, 24 Jul 2015 17:55:06 GMT