
Friday, July 31, 2015


Media cares more about "Cecil the Lion" than African-American killed by police

Leftists Suggest African Lions More Important Than African-Americans


The mainstream media has published over nine times as many articles about the late Cecil the Lion than Samuel DuBose, the unarmed African-American who was shot in the head by a University of Cincinnati cop.

Additionally, leftist politicians and media pundits are also trying to prevent a pro-life group from releasing more undercover Planned Parenthood videos, even though nearly 2000 African-Americans are aborted every day in the U.S. alone.

A quick search on Google News reveals that around 12,600,000 articles containing the phrase “Cecil the Lion” were published over the past couple of days, but in comparison there’s been only 1,800,000 articles about DuBose, who died after Officer Ray Tensing shot him during a July 19 traffic stop over an alleged missing license plate.



Even comedian Jimmy Kimmel choked up on air over the death of Cecil, who was killed by a Minnesota dentist during a safari hunt on July 1, but Kimmel hasn’t similarly shed tears over DuBose nor has he ever commented on Boko Haram, the Ebola crisis and the bloodshed in Sudan.

“Also absent from his [Cecil the Lion] monologue was any mention that Zimbabwe is run by a maniac accused of genocide who ate a baby elephant at his 91st birthday party,” Twitchy reported.

And Zimbabwe residents are confused as to why leftists care more about a lion than people.

“Why are the Americans more concerned than us?” Zimbabwe resident Joseph Mabuwa said to Reuters. “We never hear them speak out when villagers are killed by lions and elephants in Hwange.”

But while liberals are exploding in rage over the death of Cecil, they are not quite as angry at Planned Parenthood for chopping up dead African-American babies for resell.


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Kit Daniels @KitDaniels1776

The only way leftists will get upset at #PlannedParenthood for harvesting dead babies for $$$$ #CecilTheLion #ccot

9:37 AM - 30 Jul 2015


“I’m against online mobs as a general rule, but [Cecil’s killer] Walter Palmer deserves all of the public shaming,” Time’s Jill Filipovic tweeted only hours after claiming Planned Parenthood was ‘saving lives’ by salvaging aborted babies.

The reality, however, is that African-Americans account for over one-third of all abortions in America even though they represent only around 12% of the population and black babies are five times more likely to be aborted than whites.

Overall, since Roe v. Wade in 1973, an estimated 16 million blacks have been aborted.

“We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population,” Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger famously said in 1939.